Frequently asked questions

Below are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you don't find what you are looking for please contact us or phone us on 6334 4910.

No. All NDA training courses which map to a unit of competency in your qualification can be attended free of charge. Should you wish to attend other courses, we can offer them at a reduced price.

Some qualifications attract user Choice (Apprenticeship and trainee training fund) funding which covers part or all of the cost for eligible participants.

To check eligibility, contact NDA or your local apprenticeship centre.

There is no fixed date for starting training. As soon as you have had your induction visit and received any study materials, you may commence work straight away.

Most qualifications are two to three years full-time or equivalent part-time. However, you should consult the qualification guide here.

This will depend on your situation and your capacity to gain skills outside of the workforce. For this reason, it will need to be assessed on a case by case basis. Please contact us to discuss your circumstances.

Normal course training times are 9.00am to 4.30pm with lunch between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. Morning tea is 10.30am to 10.45am and afternoon tea is normally 2.45pm to 3.00pm.

Costs vary according to type and duration. In general, business courses are $395 per day, ordinary computer courses $350 per day and specialist computer courses $395.

However, you should consult the course dates page for a detailed breakdown of costs.

NDA Training Tasmania Newsletter

NDA publishes regular email newsletters to our subscribed client database. These contain interesting articles as well as hints, tips and information about our upcoming courses.

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